2012年2月13日 星期一

Choosing the Right Greywater System for your Needs

You can reuse greywater for a number of non-potable water uses, depending on what

type of greywater system you decide to use. Therefore, it is important to decide how

much greywater you need, and where you want to use it before you decide which option

is best for you.

Mechanical filtered greywater can be diverted for:

Ø   Sub-surface irrigation (irrigation buried at least 10 cm below the surface of soil or mulch).

Treated greywater can also be used for:

Ø   Surface irrigation.

Ø   Toilet flushing.

Ø   Clothes washing machine use.

The basic differences between greywater diversion and greywater treatment systems Aqua2use provide today are outlined in the following table:

Greywater reuse
Mechanical filtered greywater
Treated greywater
Model type
Main function
Remove grit, hair, lint, sand
soap scum, silt from greywater,
BOD, SS, Turbidity reduction
E.coli disinfection
Remove grit, hair, lint, sand
soap scum, silt from greywater
Working Principle
Mechanical filtration
Biological filtration
Effluent water Disinfection
Mechanical filtration